The Carleton University Ananda Marga Yoga and Meditation Club
About us
The Carleton University Ananda Marga Yoga and Meditation Club offers students a comprehensive system of yoga and meditation as a spiritual lifestyle.
In our on-campus weekly meetups we emphasize on the practice of yoga poses and basic aspects of meditation.
Sometimes we also meet for weekend-long retreats. Those are occasions when we use to have a lot of fun together! Activities use to include yoga and meditation classes, philosophical discussions, vegan and vegetarian cooking classes as well as various other outdoor activities such as walking on trails inside nature, gardening, games.
In our on-campus weekly meetups we emphasize on the practice of yoga poses and basic aspects of meditation.
Sometimes we also meet for weekend-long retreats. Those are occasions when we use to have a lot of fun together! Activities use to include yoga and meditation classes, philosophical discussions, vegan and vegetarian cooking classes as well as various other outdoor activities such as walking on trails inside nature, gardening, games.
All are welcome to join!
Our weekly meetups on campus are usually two; and days and timings vary according to the availability of our members. We make sure to keep everyone posted on social media and via mass emailing. Those weekly meetups are free.
As for weekend-long retreats, we encourage participants to make a donation according to their capacity.
As for weekend-long retreats, we encourage participants to make a donation according to their capacity.
What is meditation?
Meditation has been described as a kind of concentrated thinking, but this does not mean just any kind of concentrated thinking. Concentrating on a pet rock or an ice cream is not meditation. Meditation is the process of concentrating the mind on the source of consciousness within us. Gradually this leads us to discover that our own consciousness is infinite. This is why the goal of meditation is sometimes described as “self-realization.
What is yoga?
To many the word yoga means a series of physical exercises stretching and tying our bodies into impossible knots. But these physical postures are only one aspect of yoga, known as asanas. The physical postures of yoga are practiced for their health benefits, and because they help to prepare the body for meditation. Yoga is both a philosophy of life and a system of spiritual practice. The word yoga actually means union between the individual self and Infinite Consciousness. Meditation is the most important practice in the yoga system and is the means by which this merger or union is achieved. So yoga is a system or science that enables an individual to develop physically, mentally and spiritually, and meditation is the practice that makes the mental and spiritual development possible.
Ready to join the club?
I’ve enjoyed every moment with you all and so full of love! Thank you everyone. Looking forward to next time together.
The classes are amazing, and my wish is that everyone in the world should know this knowledge. This can make everyone’s life easier. Thank you for this wonderful experience.
It was a wonderful weekend, I feel is like an echo. I love all the classes, the yoga, the meditation, and everything is just wonderful, I feel very grateful for that, thank you.